COVID Reponse Level has been lowered to Level 1 “Low Risk”

July 5, 2021

Greetings MEU Family:

We’ve had full spring and summer semesters with two graduations in between—a May photo-op for our local Lebanese and on-campus graduates as well as a June in-person Commencement for MEU’s first seven Education graduates at Bogenhofen, Austria.  Friday’s Digital Photography class exhibition concluded six dynamic weeks of full in-person instruction.  It was so nice to have students on campus again.  A mountain leadership retreat with 555 Scholarship students also provided an in-person experience for students who have only been to MEU campus once or twice this past academic year.  Our four-week long MA Islamic Studies cohort summer intensives have already begun with classes finishing the last week of July.

Our transition to a more normal University life has taken longer than hoped.  But it is getting closer.  The Delta COVID variant however, means that the threat is not over yet as it brings new risks.  We need vigilance even as we create a more normal University experience.  Thank you for your support to make this happen.

FYI, MEU remains as Masked Zone for all indoor activities and meetings (large or small) as well as many outdoor group settings where proximity is close.  Gate procedures will continue temperature check and entrance permissions.  The campus is still not open to the public per se.  Residents need to follow the same courtesy regarding whom, when and how they invite no-campus individuals.  Even as things improve here in Lebanon, we cannot risk another year of online only classes.  Thank you for your patience and respecting those who are tasked with helping maintain our community well-being.

You’ve received information already about MEU’s Vaccination Initiative through the Lebanese University Consortium—USJ in particular.  Hopefully you have registered with Lebanon’s MoPH and are on the MEU list which we will provide to those at USJ who are coordinating our participation in that initiative.  We hope for it to begin next week.

With the July Vaccination Campaign in mind, last Tuesday’s COVID-19 Response Team made some important decisions that affect every one of us.  It is your responsibility to acquaint yourself with the COVID 19 Response Level and adjust your life or plans accordingly.

COVID Response Levels – June 29

President’s Office

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