MEU Mission Conference


Merlin D. Burt, PhD

Dr. Merlin D. Burt is the director of the Ellen G. White Estate and a field secretary for the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. He is the founding director of the integrated Center for Adventist Research at Andrews University, where he has significantly influenced Adventist historical studies. As a professor of Church History at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, he has mentored numerous graduate students in Adventist theology and historiography. His dissertation explored the development of Sabbath theology, the sanctuary doctrine, and Ellen White’s role in early Sabbatarian Adventism.

Dr. Burt has authored numerous scholarly articles and book chapters, contributing to the academic study of Adventist heritage. He is the author of Adventist Pioneer Places and is currently writing a comprehensive textbook on the development of Seventh-day Adventist theology. Through his leadership in research, publishing, and conference organization, Dr. Burt has shaped the academic discourse on Adventist history and theology, ensuring that historical scholarship informs contemporary faith and practice.

Petras Bahadur, DMin

Dr. Petras Bahadur is the director of the Global Center for Adventist-Muslim Relations (GCAMR) at the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. He earned his Doctor of Ministry degree from Andrews University, specializing in Urban Ministry. His research focused on integrating Muslim Background Believers into house churches in London, contributing to academic discussions on interfaith dialogue and contextualized ministry. As an educator and thought leader, Dr. Bahadur has played a key role in shaping the church’s approach to engaging with Muslim communities, training leaders, and developing resources for cross-cultural mission work.

Rick McEdward, PhD

Dr. Rick McEdward is the president of the Middle East and North Africa Union (MENA) of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. He holds a PhD in Intercultural Studies from Fuller Theological Seminary, where his research explored missiological strategies for cross-cultural engagement. Prior to his leadership in MENA, he contributed to academic discussions on church planting and mission strategies in Southeast Asia, serving as a mentor for emerging leaders in the field. His expertise in contextualized mission has influenced educational programs and leadership training initiatives within the church.

Jonathan Contero, MA

Jonathan Contero is the associate director of the Center for Secular and Post-Christian Mission (CSPM) under the Global Mission of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. He holds a Master’s degree in Theology and is currently pursuing a doctorate in Missiology at Andrews University, focusing on mission strategies for secular and post-Christian societies.

As the founder of Cero Church in Madrid, his practical experience informs his academic contributions to secular and postmodern mission studies. His leadership in CSPM includes training church leaders, developing curricula, and fostering scholarly discussions on effective engagement with non-religious communities. Through his research and fieldwork, he is shaping new paradigms for mission in highly secularized contexts.

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