Bogenhofen Extension Program

The Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education program introduces and trains students in the art of teaching and the science of education. At the Bogenhofen extension site, the curriculum is adapted to the Austrian, German, and Swiss educational contexts.

The degree is a license to teach, but the training supports students in developing a variety of methodological teaching approaches to the main subject areas, that they may be an effective teacher, understanding the minds and behaviors of elementary learners.

MEU lecturers and professors, experienced teachers in elementary education, share their passion for helping students develop into competent professional educators.

“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.”

— William Butler Yeats

Upon the completion of the program requirements, students will have earned a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education degree with a Teaching Diploma.

To find out more about the program, you can email the Program Coordinator at Bogenhofen or email the Dean, Faculty of Education at MEU.

Mag. Yvonne Seidel, Dipl.-Päd.
Education Program Coordinator for the
Bogenhofen Extension of Middle East University

Jeanette Bryson, PhD
Dean, Faculty of Education
Middle East University