The Department of Religion offers the Bachelor of Arts in Religion to prepare Bible teachers and Bible workers to serve the Seventh-day Adventist Church and the wider community. Our students are provided in-depth instruction in biblical, theological, historical, and ethical courses so as to be better equipped for a wide and relevant proclamation of the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ.
As a student here at MEU, you will have the unique ability to walk in the footsteps of great Bible characters as you go on fieldtrips to famous historical sites such as Tyre and Sidon.
You will find satisfaction in serving others in mission experiences in Lebanon and surrounding countries. From canvassing to health expos, you will have an opportunity to be involved in mission service as you study here.
Mission is our focus, and whether you will go on to serve in the secular workforce, in education, or in ministry, our faculty’s goal is to provide a biblical foundation for impacting the people of the Middle East and North Africa with a Christ-centered personal life and the gospel.

Studying at MEU gives you a chance not just to be knowledgeable in the field of theology, but also a chance to have a clear and practical understanding of what is written in the Bible. You can see the proverbs of Solomon in daily life interactions with people, and the parables of Jesus will come alive as you become familiar with the Middle Eastern context where they originated.
Yotham, Sudan
To find out more about the program, you can email
Larry Lichtenwalter, PhD
Dean of Faculty of Philosophy and Theology