“I’m Alissar Al Khoury, and I study Information Systems. MEU has been essential in shaping my future. It fosters excellence, academic growth, and most importantly, spirituality. I had the privilege to be part of the 555 Scholarship, which gave me the opportunity to attend a private university. At MEU the teachers mentor us to improve our values, our character, and our leadership skills. One thing I won’t forget is what I learned in the psychology class. The teacher taught us how to truly respect other point of views, how to understand what the other person is trying to say, and how we can serve with respect, love and empathy. Another activity that was a fruitful experience was the Startup Competition. We attended a set of workshops to learn about entrepreneurship, how to develop an idea, and how we can propose it to potential investors. Our project was to have a gym powered by the kinetic energy of the users of the gym. It was a great journey, and we actually won first place. The situation in Lebanon has been very hard for us, for our families and for everyone living here. For that reason, I’m working as a team manager for an organization that helps entrepreneurs grow their ideas. This way, I get to implement what I learned at MEU into my job, not just academically and professionally, but also the values that I learned, by being ethical in everything that I do. I am beyond grateful to be able to study here at MEU. Without the support of donors and alumni, I would not have been able to study here. Thank you for making a difference in my life.”