“I had always desired to attend a private university, but due to the deteriorating economic situation in Lebanon and the financial circumstances of my family, I was unable to do so. However, a scholarship was offered to the high school students who performed brilliantly and were from low-income families. Praise God, I was one of the students who qualified for the “555 Scholarship” that Middle East University offered. I was initially worried about fitting in at MEU because it’s a private university, but as soon as I set foot on campus, I made friends with everyone from students to faculty! What makes MEU unique is that you feel at home and part of a family rather than being forced to attend a university merely because you have to. I am presently enrolled in the Pre-Med program, and I would like to thank my instructors, Drs. Amy McHenry, Peter McHenry, and Dany Kattan, for making this challenging curriculum easier to understand by sharing the most recent information about it with us as well as their amazing teaching skills. Let’s not neglect the professors of the general courses, such as religion, English, physical education, etc., who work very hard to teach us new things about these subjects. With the financial burden lifted, I was able to focus fully on my studies. I enrolled in a challenging course load and excelled in my classes, earning top marks, being on the honor list, and even working as teacher assistant in the Chemistry laboratory. This working position involves preparing quizzes and exams, writing lab manuals, assisting students in the lab hours with the absence of the teacher. Besides, my understanding and perspective of Christianity has been enhanced and broadened. My involvement in the university’s programs helps me develop my character more and better comprehend the beliefs and values of others, which will help me deal with the diversity of students on campus. But the scholarship program was much more than just financial support. I had access to a wealth of resources and support services, including career counseling and networking opportunities. Reflecting back on my experience as a scholarship recipient, I am filled with gratitude. The program has given me the opportunity to pursue my dreams and achieve my full potential, and I know that I will be forever grateful for the support and guidance I had received along the way. Dear alumni and donors, nowadays, kindhearted people like you are hard to find. I pray that God will reward all of your hard work and that He will give you even more in return. In order to provide another young person with a chance similar to the one you have given me, I pledge to give back to the community once I have achieved success. Much appreciation for your assistance!”