1st MEU Start-Up Competition
During the school year 2021-2022 Middle East University organized its 1st campus-wide entrepreneurial Start-Up Competition. The competition aimed to engage the powers of innovation and the magic of entrepreneurship to endure the multiple crises affecting Lebanon by transforming an innovative idea into a sustainable real opportunity. Twelve teams of three members participated. The teams were formed by undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty, alumni, and administration. Each team proposed an area of expertise where they grew their opportunity in three phase stages of idea development, after participating in three
start-up coaching seminars. The competition culminated with a Team Oral Contest in a general assembly at the end of Spring semester. Topics included fitness hub, recycling, crisis NGO, artwork NGO, insurance, gaming, nutrition, fashion, jewelry, IT, among. others. The competition was sponsored by Almayara Mountain Lodge of Lebanon.

Team Name | Topic | Members | |
First Place | AWA | Fitness Hub | Alissar Al Khoury, Andrea Boutros, Wadih Zgheib |
Second Place | YARA | Artwork NGO | Nara Fetulua Mataafa, Kalyapi Humpal, Brian Manley |
Third Place | INSURE ME | Insurance | Dolly El Helou, Sara Bou Chaaya, Danny Farah |

Individual Distinction Awards:
- William Locke
- Joyce Haddad
- Geetha Raj Choppala
- Jakov Jankovic