Middle East University

Middle East University is a non-profit university located in Beirut, Lebanon, since 1939. It offers nine undergraduate degrees and six graduate degrees. Though small, it embraces students from more than 30 different nationalities, mainly from the Middle East and North Africa.

Read about our First Start-Up Competition

2nd MEU Start-Up Competition

Winners University Track:

Certificates of Award

Name Award Topic Team
Alissar Al Khoury First Place Love Bins – Waste Management & Recycling MAKIBOR
Jad Khneisser First Place Love Bins – Waste Management & Recycling MAKIBOR
Wadih Zgheib Second Place VentyLife – Meeting Platform POETS
Sara Bou Chaaya Second Place VentyLife – Meeting Platform POETS
Jad El Awar Third Place Walkshop – Health & Wellness JADGIO
Georgio Mrad Third Place Walkshop – Health & Wellness JADGIO

Certificates of Recognition

Name Recognition
Ali Taher Passion
Angela Ohannessian Intuition
Michel Al Hourani Intensity
Maroun Al Hourani Charisma
Gabriella Sandoval Eloquence
Remon Fawzy Engagement

Winners High-School Track:

Certificates of Award

Name Award Topic Team School
Abigail Tohme First Place Lovable Education ACHIEVERS Adventist School Bouchrieh
Jennifer Nassar First Place Lovable Education ACHIEVERS Adventist School Bouchrieh
Yasmeen Fawzy Second Place Second Helpings 2OFAKIND Adventist School Bouchrieh
Peter Choufani Second Place Second Helpings 2OFAKIND Adventist School Bouchrieh
Serine Daya Third Place Child Security INITIATORS Adventist School Mousaitbeth
Yara Mohsen Third Place Child Security INITIATORS Adventist School Mousaitbeth

Certificates of Recognition

Name Recognition School
Leen Hajar Spirit of Innovation Adventist School Mousaitbeth
Jad Al Saad Spirit of Innovation Adventist School Mousaitbeth
Andrea Nadjarian Spirit of Innovation Adventist School Bouchrieh
Rania Sleiman Spirit of Innovation Chateau des Sciences Modernes

Philosophy and Rationale

We aim to engage the powers of innovation and the magic of entrepreneurship with team synergy so we can endure through Lebanon’s challenging times by transforming an innovative idea into a sustainable real opportunity.

This innovation competition across and beyond MEU campus aims to integrate academic learning with the challenges of everyday reality. Each team proposes an area of expertise where they will grow their opportunity during the following 6 months in 3 phase stages of idea development after participating in 3 start-up coaching workshops. After each workshop teams will submit a deliverable document. Finally, teams will pitch their start-ups before a judging panel at the end of the Spring semester.


  • Record in transcript as Entrepreneurship Practicum, zero credit (optional in Spring)
  • Certificate of participation
  • Prize awards for winner teams in University Students Track: 1st $600, 2nd $300, 3rd $100
  • Prize awards for winner teams in High-School Students Track: 1st $300, 2nd $200, 3rd $100
  • Coaching and business mentoring may be offered
  • Seed funding may be offered


Track 1: University Students

Track 2: High-School Students

To Register

1) Send an email with the names of the team members to Dr. Philippe Zgheib at philippe.zgheib@meu.edu.lb

2) Pay the registration fee of US$ 20 per participant (only University Students Track)


  • January 27, 2023          Registration Deadline
  • January 27, 2023          Workshop 1 – Value Proposition
  • February 24, 2023        Submission 1 – Business Model Matrix
  • March 10, 2023             Workshop 2 – Sensitivity Analysis
  • March 24, 2023             Submission 2 – Start-Up Proposition
  • April 21, 2023                Workshop 3 – Oral Pitch Delivery
  • May 3, 2023                   Team Oral Contest
  • May 10, 2023                 Winners Certificates and Awards

Suggested Topics of Interest

Computer coding Faith mission
Network gaming Public health
Crisis management Paramedics
Micro-finance Educational innovation
Agri-business Sustainable volunteering
Social media filters Relief philanthropy
Virtual reality Social participation
Branding design Philosophy of ethics
Big data Leadership

Mentors & Sponsors

We are looking for mentors with experience in entrepreneurship who would be willing to support one of the teams on a pro-bono basis. Besides, we are looking for sponsors who would be willing to make a donation for the cash prizes. Donors from the US will receive a tax-deductible receipt. Please let us know if you would be interested in sponsoring our event and entrepreneurship in Lebanon. Contact us at carlos.biaggi@meu.edu.lb

Coordination Committee

Dr. Amy McHenry, Dr. Carlos Biaggi, Mr. Bassam Abdallah, Dr. Philippe Zgheib

Judging Panel

The judging panel will be formed by 11 members: MEU faculty, MEU administration, MENA Union, ADRA, Business sponsor, Executive mentor, MEU Undergraduate student, MEU Graduate student, Undergraduate student outside MEU, Graduate student outside MEU, Event coordinator (MEU silent ex-officio).
